Pioneering NASDAQ and NYSE IPOs for Climate-Centric Businesses - The Synergy of ClimateDoor and Exchange Listing

Marrying sustainability with capital market prowess, ClimateDoor and Exchange Listing orchestrate NASDAQ and NYSE IPOs tailored for forward-thinking, climate-centric global enterprises.


Sweet spot financing maximum


Sweet spot financing minimum


Years C-suite exec for public companies


Capital Markets & Sustainable Development


Global (ClimateDoor), USA (Exchange Listing)

Company Background:

Exchange Listing, a stalwart in NASDAQ and NYSE IPOs and capital market execution, has cemented its reputation over two decades of frontline activity. Their unparalleled insights and strategic roadmaps for businesses eyeing the NASDAQ and NYSE have made them a go-to in the industry. Pairing this expertise with ClimateDoor's sustainability vision, this partnership aims to pave a clear path for climate-focused businesses to make their mark on the NASDAQ and NYSE.

What they had to say about the value we brought:  

“Nick and his team are innovators in the space and a pleasure to work with. Nick brings modern strategies to the go public process and his understanding of the capital markets makes him a very valuable asset to companies looking to raise capital and go to the next level” - Peter Goldstein CEO Exchange Listing

How we got the job done:

1. Clear Focus on NASDAQ and NYSE: Understanding the prestige and opportunities the NASDAQ and NYSEL offers, our partnership zeroed in on guiding climate-centric businesses towards successful IPOs on this platform.

2. Harnessing Expertise: Leveraging Exchange Listing's vast experience with US listings, we provided unparalleled guidance and insights to our clients.

3. Tailored Roadmaps: Each climate-focused business is unique. We co-developed strategic listing roadmaps, considering the individual nuances and strengths of each enterprise.

4. Sustainability Meets Finance: Our collaboration ensured that the environmental vision of businesses was communicated effectively in the financial realm, making them attractive to investors.

5. Continuous Engagement: Beyond the IPO, our partnership ensured continued support, helping businesses navigate the complex waters of the US listings, always with sustainability at the forefront.


The strategic alliance of ClimateDoor and Exchange Listing has carved a niche, offering specialized NASDAQ and NYSE IPO guidance for climate-centric businesses. In a world where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a business imperative, this collaboration is setting new benchmarks in capital markets, promising a greener future on the global financial stage.

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